
如果您追求優質新鮮的海鮮,選擇極緻海鮮膳食計劃定能讓您吃到海洋的氣息。多種海鮮如三文魚、鮮蝦、青口、鮮魷魚,提供豐富不飽脂肪酸和優質蛋白質,有助降低膽固醇、預防心血管疾病等。 選擇用餐次數及訂餐天數,並於網上訂購極致海鮮膳食計劃,無論您在家還是在office,我們食物都能送達。體驗極致海鮮膳食就是這麼簡單!


  • 富含礦物質,是良好低脂蛋白質來源
  • 每盒便當已有超過29克蛋白質
  • 含豐富鎂質,有助穩定心臟血管健康機能
  • 雞蛋是飽食指數高的食材,有更強飽腹感

1 Scrambled Eggs with Scrimps

  • Shrimp: Rich in minerals and contains low-fat protein
  • Provides more than 29 grams of protein per serving
  • Rich in magnesium, helps stabilize cardiovascular health
  • Eggs: High satiety index which create higher sense of satiety


  • 秘製調製醬汁
  • 含高蛋白海鮮,如青口和蝦,每盒便當已有超過42克蛋白質
  • 富含礦物質,如鐵質,能有助預防缺鐵性貧血

2 Spanish Seafood

  • Secret recipe with exclusive sauce
  • Seafoods rich in protein such as mussels and prawns (42 grams of protein per serving)
  • Rich in minerals (such as iron) help preventing from iron deficiency anemia


  • 被英國媒體機構 BBC列為第4大最有營養食物
  • 每盒便當已有超過30克蛋白質
  • 一塊比目魚扒已可滿足我們多種維他命和礦物質飲食需求三分一以上
  • 富含維他命B12、維他命B6等

3 Grilled Flatfish

  • Ranked as the 4th most nutritious food by the British media agency BBC
  • More than 30 grams of protein per serving
  • Up to one-third of our vitamin and mineral dietary needs could be met by having a standard size of flatfish
  • Rich in vitamin B12, vitamin B6, etc.


  • 優質奧米加3脂肪酸EPA和DHA
  • 豐富優質蛋白質,幫助減肥時保持肌肉質量
  • 富含礦物質,有助控制血壓

4 Grilled Salmon

  • Premium Omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA
  • Rich in high-quality proteins which help maintaining muscle mass during diet
  • Rich in minerals which helps lower the blood pressure


  • 優質奧米加3脂肪酸EPA和DHA
  • 豐富優質脂肪,集全9種必需氨基酸
  • 富含優質蛋白質,每盒便當已有超過46克蛋白質

5 Grilled Mackerel with Lime

  • Premium Omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA
  • Rich in unsaturated fat with 9 essential amino acids
  • Rich in high-quality protein (>46 grams of protein per serving)


  • 珍珠帶子: 豐富蛋白質,可以幫助修復身體機能& 促進脂肪燃燒
  • 海鮮菇: 低脂低熱量,含烏氨酸有護肝保肝效果
  • 三色椒: 豐富纖維及維他命C,有助腸道健康&增強抵抗力

6 Stir-fried Mini-scallops and Mushroom Capsicums

  • Mini-scallops: Rich in protein, helps recovering body and facilitate fat metabolism
  • Mushroom: Low fat and calorie; Contain L-Ornithine which helps protect our liver
  • Capsicum: Rich in fiber and Vitamin C, help improving gut health and immune system

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